Malin Akerman Net Worth

#Quote1I wouldn't have made it past the first round of American Idol auditions. It was months before our first song was recorded. The guys were like, 'Just seeng!' And I was like, 'I don't know how to seeng! Can't I just play the triangle?'2Women have a way of contorting things sometimes. We all have our moods, ups and downs. Or if the guy doesn't say anything when you walk out with a new top and the guy has no idea why you're mad at him. So of course, women are complicated.3Turns out, I couldn't catch them - or even get close to them. I realized that sharks are amazing, beautiful animals who have absolutely no interest in checking me out.4I've always felt so different from how I look. I meet so many pretty girls who are like, 'Here I am! Don't you want me because I look good?' That concept is so weird to me. I want to know, 'What else do you have going on?'5I'm a tooth person... I like quirky teeth. My husband has little teeth with spaces in between them. He hates them and I love them. I like people with buckteeth, and I like it when they crinkle a bit. It's very charming.6I was always active as a kid. I was a professional figure skater for many years and I was a dancer, so it's just been part of my life, and I think that creates a certain body type.7I shouldn't say this, but I always love the sidekicks. I want to do a leading-lady role in a film - absolutely. But I find that a lot of times I get attracted to the sidekick role. They stand out a little more because they're quirkier, they're funnier, they're crazier.8I meet so many pretty girls who are like, 'Here I am! Don't you want me because I look good?' That concept is so weird to me. I want to know, 'What else do you have going on?'9I love when you get to work with people you know because there's so much more trust, and you're much more willing to be vulnerable in a scene with someone you trust.10I love the Coen brothers. They're so brilliant, and they always surprise you in one way or another. 'A Serious Man' was awesome. I like stuff like that, that kind of throws you for a loop. It takes you on a journey that is unexpected.11I have to say: 'Couples Retreat,' when we got that script, was a work in progress. What you see onscreen is not at all what you saw in the first draft. There was a lot of rewriting during, before, and a lot of improv. That happens a lot with comedies I've been in. There's always a lot of improv, which is the magic of the moment. That's fun as well.12I have been a goof my whole life. I wasn't really the popular girl in school and didn't have any boyfriends in high school because I was a nerd. I was a geek.13I do love doing films; I love going out and creating different characters for each film, and not having to be stuck with one role for many, many years. It's a creative liberty that I love.14I believe in eating as nutritiously as I can all the time... My mother raised me on fresh - rather than processed - foods, and that's how I eat on a regular basis.15Anytime you get to work with an actor who is beyond you in experience and talent, I feel like they make you a better actor. You really bring up your game.16In '87, I was about 9 years old, and so at that point I was wearing, like, fluorescent green T-shirts and acid-wash jeans and leg warmers, and my hair was in a ponytail with a scrunchie and I had the teased bangs that were up in a rainbow shape. It was crazy.17I'm such a bad shopper for myself. I love fashion and all that kind of stuff, but that's sort of the last thing I want to do when I'm done with a film is go shopping. I want to just chill.18I would love to interview Dave Grohl. I just think he's an amazing musician, and I grew up listening to Nirvana, so I have so many questions about that.19I think recharging is important, absolutely. Every now and then, you need maybe a couple of weeks to just chill out and let your emotions balance themselves out a little bit.20It's a great beauty tip, if you ever want to look five years younger, to shave off your eyebrows. It's amazing what it does. It really shaves off the years.21Who doesn't love a funny girl who can look sexy at the same time?22You've got to allow yourself the things you enjoy or you'll just be miserable.23Every time I'm in Canada I feel more Swedish, and every time I'm in Sweden I feel more Canadian. I belong in both places and I love them both equally. It's funny because the Swedes claim me as their Swedish pride and the Canadians call me their Canadian girl. I'll take it all.24I don't really have an issue with showing certain parts of my body. I'd rather not, but it's not a big deal. Growing up in Sweden, it's natural over there.25I loved 'Pan's Labyrinth.' It transported me into another world. I like fantasy worlds; I love 'Lord of the Rings' as well, for that reason, because you really get to get out of reality and go somewhere else.26They say that your second trimester is when you get most of your energy and it's the 'easiest' part of the pregnancy.27Those are my favorite kind of parts to do, just being a goofball and seeing how far you can go with something until you're just way out of line.28Unfortunately, I like to feel a little stubble when I kiss. Women are too soft.29When I get dolled up to go out, men turn their heads and I'm used to it. But I think all women are sexy and should embrace that side of themselves.30When you live in L.A., it is easy to stay fit, as the weather is amazing.31Women have a way of contorting things sometimes. We all have our moods, ups and downs.32My only requirement for life is that I don't get stuck in a rut.33Nutella. I dig my spoon in and eat it straight out of the jar. I can easily go through one a week.34People do think you're more intelligent if you have dark hair. But my husband definitely prefers me as a blonde.35There isn't a woman alive who doesn't have problems with her body. Including me!36I think we can leave mullets back in the '80s. I'm really not a big fan of them.37I'd love to do all types of film, not just comedy, although I love comedy.38I'm gluten intolerant, so that automatically cuts carbs from my diet.39Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd are really amazing, lovely people and really great comedic actors.40Modeling was never anything that was a career choice. I did catalog work in Toronto to make money so that I could go to school.41I love seeing when actors go from one genre to the next because I feel like most of them can pull it off.42I never was shy, but as far as telling jokes, I'm the worst. I like physical comedy; it's where I feel comfortable.43I still get excited by working with big names. You have that initial moment of, 'Oh my goodness, I'm going to work with Tom Cruise!'44I think Cate Blanchett is fabulous - she just shines in everything she does - and I'm a big Susan Sarandon fan.45I think it's critical in any character you play that it really is about reacting instead of acting. You can always tell when a person is acting.46I always love the quirky stuff, which is why I love 'Childrens Hospital.' That really pushes the envelope of comedy.47I don't have a problem with being a woman. Women's bodies are so beautiful.48I don't mind being goofy and silly. I love to make people laugh and I'm not self-conscious.49I have this weird obsession with kids and old people falling. Like, funny falls. It is awful, but it's the thing that makes me laugh the most.50I love a good Slash guitar riff. It's sexy!51The funny thing is that my husband couldn't be sweeter. He looks like this bad boy. He's got tattoos and earrings and a mohawk, but when you talk to him and he's around you, he's such a gentleman. He holds doors for ladies. He pulls out chairs. He cooks. He cleans.52We all in real life put on these masks - we don't swear when we're around certain people... When we come home, when you're on your own I'm sure you're really different than when you're with your boss.53A lot of big studio films, which are fun and great, tend to have a formula, and you've seen it before, and it's a new version of it.54As a girl I wanted the Cyndi Lauper hairstyle, with the shaved side of the head, or the Sharon Stone perm from 'Total Recall.'55How can you not love a man banging on the drums? He knows how to keep a rhythm.56I'm the type of person who doesn't want to sit alone in a restaurant or bar.57I get horrified when I have to do table reads with the whole cast, because there's a lot of stuttering coming from me, so I have to do a lot of prep.58I was a groupie for a year and followed a band. I dated the drummer of the band.59I am extremely lucky that I have a husband who is so supportive. He's not in the slightest bit jealous or worried about the things I do in certain scenes.60I'm a big pasta fan. I'm a big Italian food fan. Anything Italian - I love cheese, mozzarella. Mozzarella is my favorite, so I have to say anything Italian, I'll take it.61I can't walk by chocolate without eating it.62Don't hate me, but I've always been skinny. I got lucky.63People are all vulnerable in so many different ways. We go into survival mode a lot of times.64I always did TV commercials and made great money to put myself through school. That became guest starring roles on TV shows.65I like when you watch a film and you feel like you're a part of somebody's life for an hour and a half.66[on Tom Cruise] There's an aura around him. He's professional, positive, upbeat, always smiling, always encouraging. I mean. it's crazy how huge a star he is, yet he's actually a real person, so down to earth. He engages everyone, cast and crew.
